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The aggregate processor groups events based on the keys provided and performs an action on each group. The following table describes the options you can use to configure the aggregate processor.

Option Required Type Description
identification_keys Yes List An unordered list by which to group events. Events with the same values as these keys are put into the same group. If an event does not contain one of the identification_keys, then the value of that key is considered to be equal to null. At least one identification_key is required (for example, ["sourceIp", "destinationIp", "port"]).
action Yes AggregateAction The action to be performed for each group. One of the available aggregate actions must be provided or you can create custom aggregate actions. remove_duplicates and put_all are the available actions. For more information, see Creating New Aggregate Actions.
group_duration No String The amount of time that a group should exist before it is concluded automatically. Supports ISO_8601 notation strings (“PT20.345S”, “PT15M”, etc.) as well as simple notation for seconds ("60s") and milliseconds ("1500ms"). Default value is 180s.


The following table describes common Abstract processor metrics.

Metric name Type Description
recordsIn Counter Metric representing the ingress of records to a pipeline component.
recordsOut Counter Metric representing the egress of records from a pipeline component.
timeElapsed Timer Metric representing the time elapsed during execution of a pipeline component.

The aggregate processor includes the following custom metrics.


  • actionHandleEventsOut: The number of events that have been returned from the handleEvent call to the configured action.
  • actionHandleEventsDropped: The number of events that have not been returned from the handleEvent call to the configured action.
  • actionHandleEventsProcessingErrors: The number of calls made to handleEvent for the configured action that resulted in an error.
  • actionConcludeGroupEventsOut: The number of events that have been returned from the concludeGroup call to the configured action.
  • actionConcludeGroupEventsDropped: The number of events that have not been returned from the condludeGroup call to the configured action.
  • actionConcludeGroupEventsProcessingErrors: The number of calls made to concludeGroup for the configured action that resulted in an error.


  • currentAggregateGroups: The current number of groups. This gauge decreases when a group concludes and increases when an event initiates the creation of a new group.
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